This is update info of what we received recently
We received donations for buying the cloths for lining the bags from anonymous donor.
We received 6 big squares from Stephanie. She made 3 big squares using pattern 1 and 3 big squares using pattern 2. She joined those squares into 3 school bags.
Stella Yulianti sent 8 squares using pattern 1 that she made into 1 school bag.
And Arleen sent 1 big squares using pattern 1 and 1 big square using pattern 3
Thank you for all the members who sent the squares. We really appreciate your help by joining the squares before sent the squares to us.
Because of the joining coordinator are very busy at the end and in the beginning of new month at their workplace, we cannot deliver the school bags on this July. But we will deliver the school bags as soon as possible on August. We'll keep you inform.